The Fast Feem File Transfer

The urge to transfer files, an extra faster than usual keeps rising. What took 10 seconds to complete a week ago, we love to do a similar task or transfer same size file, however, at a lower time frame.

We love fast, and fast in our eyes doesn’t always translate to reality. No matter how fast you wish to download the internet, you might have to wait some tens of centuries first.

Source: End of the Internet –

But thank goodness, we’re not downloading the internet. Instead in our daily lives, we transfer files from one point to the other – pictures, videos, documents – you name them. From our smartphones to laptops

Instead in our daily lives, we transfer files from one point to the other – pictures, videos, documents – you name them. From our smartphones to laptops, sharing our memories and business documents is critical.

Enter Feem

Feem File Transfer combines all the goodness of all the file transfers you know of, in a single umbrella, yet with a simplified and robust approach to sharing and receiving files fast, even if communicating devices aren’t close.

Developed by a Cameroonian App Developer, Mr. Fritz Ekwoge Ekwoge (FEE), the platform strives to improve and simplify the communication channel between devices and cut the ‘bad’ in how we share files with each other these days.

Did you know? FEEM stands for Fritz Ekwoge Ekwoge Messenger

Yes, and Linux too!

Feem is available on all the major operating systems in the world. At Feem, we believe what platform one is on shouldn’t be a hindrance to applying the saying, ‘Sharing is Caring!’

Feem in action

Out of the box, Android, iOS, Windows and Windows Phone, and Mac are supported.

And Yes, Linux too!

If you’re a *nix user, you’ll agree with me not many brands show much love to this amazing Operating System. Right off the bat, without any ‘Coming Soon’ trickeries, Feem is available to use on, say Ubuntu.

Even better, the installer (kinda) comes in the recent AppImage format, commonly referred to as the “Linux apps that run everywhere”.


Feem has all the features of the popular file sharing applications out there, and even more. We only list what sets Feem apart from the rest below.

Feem takes the whole file sharing to the next level with the seamless integration of security, with a business model in mind.

File Transfer and Chat: Feem combines file transfer and the ability to chat in the same chat box, the same window.


File Transfer and Chat


Business Approach: Imagine an entire office of 15 people could still keep in touch, communicate and discuss business even without internet connection!

Feem makes this possible by cutting servers out of the loop, and keeping each and everyone in sync with updates and file transfers without the need of internet connection.

Grab Feem

The download page on hosts all the latest versions of Feem File Transfer for various platforms. Also available in the App stores of your operating system.

For a Pro version, you get to choose between Persona, Business or Family use at price points of 4.99, 9.99 and 49.99 USD respectively!

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