Khophi’s Dev Grows to Over 1K Visits a Day

For the first time, Khophi’s Dev, received over 1,000 visits within 24 hours, on September 29, 2016!

I wanna take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all you visit to get entertainment news such as about YOLO, or to learn new simple tech tips relating to Angular2, Firebase, Django, or Laravel.

When I started focusing on the blog, namely Khophi’s Dev, about 10 months ago, I had no idea the platform will become a playground for over 5,000 users from some 100 countries each month.

What is Khophi’s Blog

As a Senior Web Developer, Khophi’s Blog is the spot where I share interesting tips and tricks and I learn as and when I build projects or websites.

Quick Facts About the Blog

Stats of last 30 days

Over the past 7 months, Khophi’s Blog keeps growing in user base and readership. Below are some of the condensed analytics from the blog. The graphs and figures are from Google Analytics.

Khophi’s Blog over the past 7 months.


Khophi’s Blog Search Analytics Summary


Khophi’s Blog Search Console stats


The Blogging

I have never been a natural blogger. However, with inspiration from people like TheAfricanDream Oral Ofori, my desire to write about what interests me in tech grew.

I love to write, in ink by default. I can type relatively fast too. So getting to blog wasn’t difficult, except I hated the idea of blogging.

The idea behind Khophi’s Blog was to merely share the simple tricks and tips I pick up in my many tools I use across my line of work on the frontlines as a Web Developer.

Every tech blog I do opens my mind. I learn a lot during my research. I do test what I write and makes sure it works at least at the time of writing.

I hope to continue to write.

The Growth

Adsense always told me to target my audience, and so that’s what I’ve been working on. One of my articles, Ionic 2 Side Menu Tabs quickly became one of my most visited articles, not just because I tried to make it as simple as possible to follow, however it was and probably remains one of the few resources online that touches on the specific subject.

Irrespective of how simple it sounds, I remember doing a Google search for it. When I couldn’t find any easy to follow guide on how to create Ionic Side menu along with tabs, I wrote the article, and many have benefited from it (I guess).

In many cases, I convert the challenges I face in what projects I work on into simple to follow articles on Khophi’s Blog. Since I’m not the only beginner in the world, I notice others appreciate my beginner level articles.

The Future

I will continue writing, as and when time permits. I am currently employed full time in Accra and happen to have my daytime.

The good news is, unlike my previous job in Cape Town (which was research and Wikipedia-related inclined), my current assignment as a Web Developer working to build platforms and apps give me the opportunity to come across new concepts and ideas.

I won’t hesitate to share them with you like I recently did relating to AngularFire2 Authentication.

And You

As Khophi’s Blog keeps growing, I want to grow with existing and or upcoming web developers in promoting locally made web and mobile apps.

If you’re a developer, sole or part of a team, with an old web or mobile app you wish to push out there more via Khophi’s Blog, do not hesitate to get in touch at hello [at] khophi dot co – Ooh, and as you do, please do follow me on +Nkansah Rexford.

Nkansah Rexford, Khophi’s Dev

It could be an interesting article you wish to share to an even wider audience. And remember, the closer the article is to Tech, the easier it will be to share.

Can’t wait to see what you share on Khophi’s Blog!

How Many Cars and Houses?

When visitors see the Google AdSense ads on Khophi’s Blog, they consider me to be making hundreds if not thousands of cedis each month.

Brace yourself, it is true. Ads don’t fetch much with the little views I get. A million views a week, maybe, but just about 1,000 views a month, it does not generate even enough to pay for the monthly 5$ Droplet cost (now 10$ as I’ve upgraded).

Not to even mention how much it costs me (time and resources) to write, research and test these apps and projects I put out there.

So How many cars? None at the moment! How many Houses? Nothing so far.


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