
Navigating Internet Outages in West Africa with VPNs

Note: The interim solution via VPN outlined below is, well, interim, temporary. Should access to the network be restored, there won’t be any need for the VPN, thus its access shall be terminated.

If you’re reading this post in the future, the access to the .ovpn file may not exist

In recent days, several countries in West Africa are experiencing significant internet service disruptions. These outages have impacted countless users, disrupting daily life and hindering communication. However, there is a temporary solution for those on the MTN network, particularly in Ghana.

The Interim Solution: VPNs

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as a reliable interim solution to bypass these connectivity issues. By using a VPN, users can access the internet as usual, despite the ongoing service interruptions.

Why does this work?

Access to Google websites in general are still uninterrupted during this time, at least when one is using MTN. Thus, routing one’s network traffic through Google servers means one benefits from such dedicated, no-throttled network access to the outside world.

Setting Up OpenVPN Connect

For those affected, setting up a VPN connection is straightforward. The first step is to install the OpenVPN Connect app, which is available for various devices including Android, iOS, and PCs.

Obtaining Access File (.ovpn)

Once the app is installed, the next step is to obtain the necessary access file. This file will enable users to connect to the VPN and regain internet access. Readers can request the access file through the following link:

Request .ovpn Access File

I’ll be accepting requests during 9:00 to 22:00 GMT

Outside those times, I’ll be asleep. I ain’t no AI yet.

Using the .ovpn file downloaded from above, import the file in the OpenVPN Connect app, then connect.


While the internet outages are undoubtedly inconvenient, the use of VPNs provides a valuable workaround. It’s a simple yet effective method to stay connected until the service is fully restored. Remember, this is only a temporary measure, and users should follow any updates from their service providers regarding the restoration of normal services.


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