It is Uber. Duh! The company that pays 0.30$ per mile. Unfortunately, they’re now in Ghana, sending commercial drivers insane. In fact, their insanity out of joy will be transforming into sadness sooner than we expect.
I was not joking what I said in the title. Lyft is the better alternative to Uber. All fingers point to the bad business nature of Uber, to the extent that, a dedicated page online has been dedicated to shaming Uber, and bringing their atrocities to the light of day.
All fingers point to the bad business nature of Uber, to the extent that, a dedicated page online has been dedicated to shaming Uber, and bringing their atrocities to the light of day.
The first time I rode Uber, it was exciting. The idea and fact and reality that I could request a cab and be on my way in a matter of minutes were amazing.
I could factor in even the time it would take me to come down from the stairs, handshake a few friends, grab a cup of coffee and request a cab to match that interval. (the cup of a coffee part is not true! I don’t drink coffee).
A great entry?
Depending on what is at stake, some entry scenes are met with loud instrumentals and cheers. Others come raw and full of ‘meh’. On what part of the drum roll scale will Uber’s entry be placed?
I am not a professional driver at the moment, nor do I have plans for the immediate future, however, should I tweak things around and time-travel, I definitely wouldn’t sign on to drive for Uber.
The reasons are more than enough, and any cab driver in Ghana who can read and fully comprehend English will find the NotCoolUber website full of sense, probably more than I had.
In a country like Ghana, where the minimum wage is pegged at less than 10 Cedis (2.5 $) a day (yes! a DAY, not hour), I think if Uber should entice at least 1,000 drivers to sign on, Uber might become the richest company, with Google and Apple struggling for second or third position, considering there are more than enough taxi drivers in the country.
In bigger cities, like Accra and Kumasi, you may want to run a simple experiment. I did mine, which was, counting the number of cabs I see per, say 10 cars that pass by a spot. The results were staggering.
On average, I had at least, 6 out of 10 of cars that passed to be cabs. I am sure in some areas, the ratio might be more interesting. However, the point is, should Uber be able to amass such great workforce to their advantage, aren’t they going to add insults to injury?
It is one thing taking a cab driving job to care for one’s family, and entirely another, being cheated for loads of work done. Driving full time ain’t easy, and many around the world expected Uber to respect the profession enough to offer better support and considerations.
As a startup, Uber is probably more concerned meeting investors-need than their actual life-blood, and with life-blood, I mean their drivers.
I actually DO care when one of your drivers in #Detroit is making $3.85 an hour
— Dave Craige (@davecraige) January 13, 2016
And so?
And so, how about we strive to get Lyft rather into Ghana. You might wonder, Uber is spreading so fast and gaining more grounds in a short period of time. Well, it is partly or mainly because of how they cut corners.
They enrich themselves with the hard work of their drivers, giving them enough to propel themselves into areas their competition who’re actually going through the right channel might not be able to reach quicker.
And so, let us Lyft Uber away. Lyft is a better alternative. Lyft respects their drivers. Lyft allows you to tip your kind, awesome driver. Uber won’t let you, yet still don’t give the drivers enough of what they deserve.
It is time to Lyft ourselves up.
Ain’t Convinced Yet?
Watch these videos get a feel of Whats’Up!
“Why Uber is a Scam” puts some numbers into perspective, helping you learn the actual what-is-going-here-with-uber.
“Why Uber is Terrible” paints the clear picture, and a news bulletin approach, why your best bet is to avoid Uber, as a driver, or rider!
You and I, what can be done?
It is simple. Don’t drive for Uber (if you can) or don’t ride with Uber (if you can). You see what I did there? The ‘If you can’ part makes the whole what you can do optional. Who cares what you do! Keep driving for Uber. However, I hope it doesn’t turn into something ugly in few years to come, with many drivers on the streets, trying to bury Uber.
As a rider, be careful.
You say, but there’s been nothing bad happening with Uber in other parts of the world, so it as clean as expected in Ghana. Well…..
Don’t be so excited, until you realize some folks turned Wikipedia and Facebook into a file sharing platform.