
Google Chrome to Phone Deprecated


Deprecation! That word not everyone likes to hear, yet keeps hearing. In fact, by reading this article’s title, you’ve heard one more time.

Google chrome to phone was an app designed to let you send links from a webpage or the webpage link itself to a phone instantly. It is useful for many cases, in which auto sync in chrome isn’t that fast.

You dont need the Chrome app on your phone to use the app. Thus, you could send links from pc and open them on phone in a quick fashion.

Sometimes you just wish to see how a webpage opens on phone and the dilemma remains how to transfer the link to phone. With chrome to phone, you could just right click on the link in the browser page, and choose “Send to Phone”.

I’m not gonna teach you how to use a deprecated app. You can learn that yourself. But know that, after learning how to use the Google Chrome to Phone app, you’re gonna have to drop that certified skills from somewhere March 2016. Google is turning the switch off and calling fire on an app that saved a lot.

Perhaps they are looking to introduce Google Tone on Android too, well that would be awesome. If you don’t know about Google Tone, then what are you waiting for?

Google Tone for Android would make sharing even perhaps less than 10kb files a very painless approach.

article was written on phone. Please forgive errors

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