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Made With Firebase – Showcase your Apps built on Firebase

In a previous personal hackathon I call ‘Weekend-thon’, I built Custom Download MaterializeCSS. The entire experience was fun. This time around, I played with Firebase in getting Made With Firebase up and running within a day.

The Custom Download MaterializeCSS was built using NodeJS and Express entirely. With Made With Firebase, well, it was built with Firebase as the backend as a service plugged into AngularJS in the client.

Made With Firebase



You probably know about which showcases applications built using AngularJS Framework. I built MadeWithFirebase with the same goal in mind, a one-stop-shop to see all the Web, Mobile and Whatever apps built on top of Firebase.

Made With Firebase is designed to list all submissions with the option to filter. One of the beauties of Firebase is explored in editing a submission via the use of the threesome data binding mechanism. It looks and works magically!

What is Firebase

I touched more on Firebase in my previous post, however, in short, Firebase is the all-in-one backend as a service from Google that simplifies the life of a developer a ton. I’ve played with Firebase 3 AngularFire and the experience was amazing.

Although Firebase still has a couple features to implement to make the service a complete solution, I think Firebase is one of the easy to get up and running frameworks out there for a backend as a service.

A similar open source service from Devless, called, well, Devless hopes to take the global stage with an openness in mind. I plan to follow up with an article on how to use Devless.

Firebase is well-tested by over 400,000 developers worldwide, so you’re good to dive in for good!

Detail Page Made with Firebase
Detail Page Made with Firebase


How to Suggest a Site?

The how to suggest site details are on the About page of MadeWithFirebase, however just for the sake of your internet connection stopped and your mouse is broken at this moment, here you go:

About Made with Firebase

What is this?

Made With Firebase is a gallery of inspiring websites built using Google Firebase. It’s maintained by Rexford Nyarko (seanmavley) to demonstrate what’s possible with Firebase and to showcase how it’s being used in the world.

How are websites selected?

Web sites that are high-profile and high-quality examples of building with Angular are listed here.

Can I submit a site?

Made With Firebase focuses on high profile sites that people can look to when deciding whether to use Firebase or when building their next Firebase-backed app. If you’ve seen a high-quality production app made with Firebase, suggest it by:


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